
fish food 038

From the time I was a boy I was obsessed with food.  I spent hours hanging out in the kitchen with mom and grandma learning as much as I could.  As I grew older, the interest became a hobby, then a passion and now and obsession.  From my travels around the world to the amount of time I spend in the woods hunting, to how I decided to landscape my yard around food, my stomach is constantly making decisions for me. This blog is the short stories and thoughts as I continue to evolve around food as well as recipes and anything else interesting I decide to write about.  I mean, its my blog.

Today, food is a huge part of my life.  I want to know where my food comes from and hunting is a big part of that.  Cooking with friends and family, enjoying a few bottles of wine, picking food from the garden with my kids is all part of the life around food that I love.  I have no desire to open a restaurant although I have been known to cater a party or two; mostly it is the quality time I get to spend with the people I like best.

This blog will have more of a hunting feel to it initially but we the topics will more broad as time goes on.  Learning to hunt, spearfish, and even where I choose to live in hindsight is largely driven but how much I love food.  Right now, we are living in Southwest Colorado and taking advantage of every opportunity this area has to offer.