Bacon Vodka

Everyone who knows me understands how much I love bacon.  Been called Bacon Boy, Mr Bacon and other sorts of food names although I can’t take credit for all the bacon craze.  It was only natural to mix bacon and vodka.  I originally wrote about this on my CookManFood page but thought it was a worthy topic for the new blog.

Original Post from Cookmanfood:

Sunday was a very fun day in the kitchen.  Todd and I spent a good part of the day cooking up steak nachos, steak bruschetta, fried green tomatoes, and this,  bacon vodka.  We got a few bottles of Peach Street Distillery Goat Vodka and some bacon from Sunnyside Meats.  We made all this for an event coming up in two weeks called Hogtoberfest (more to come on this) at Ska Brewery in Durango, CO and needed to make this stuff over the weekend.    Now, Bacon Vodka can be made very poorly, ok, let me say that again…VERY VERY POORLY if certain steps are not taken.  This is part one about the process, part two will go up in two weeks when we put the finishing touches on it.  This is super simple and here is what you need:

7 strips of bacon
one bottle of goat vodka

It is important to first make a few drinks to get some of the liquor out of the 750 ml bottle of spirits.  You have to do this for the same reason you don’t fill your bathtub to the rim and then get in.  Cook the bacon about a third of the way to crispy, it should be hot and greasy but not starting to brown.  Next, take the bacon and stuff it into the bottle of vodka.  It is important to not put the bacon on a paper towel or drain the grease off in any way, this is how the vodka will get its flavor…Trust me on this.  Next, put the cap or cork back in and put in the fridge for 2 weeks.

After two weeks, you need to get some cheesecloth as the first step is to drain the vodka through the cheesecloth and set aside.  Next will be to remove the bacon from the bottle and wipe it off.  Next take the bottle that should be empty at this point and run some hot water through it a few times to get all of that grease out.  These are the steps that separate the NASTY bacon vodka from the right way to do it.  Poor bacon vodka is greasy as all get out and can be sort of gross.  Straining the vodka through cheesecloth, cleaning the bottle, and wiping off the bacon makes the vodka much cleaner.

The final steps are to put the bacon back in the bottle as well as the vodka and cap it.  It is good from here on out.  For those that have never tried this, you need to.  It tastes pretty good straight but makes the most amazing bloody mary that will ever grace your mouth.  I am serious about this and you have to try it…it is amazing and you may never go back to regular vodka.  Anyhow, let us know if you have any questions on the process and good luck.

I wanted to note that in the picture, one of the bottles all has some roasted green chilies in there.  wanted to do an experiment with the bacon and see if we can add a little kick.

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