
Dove Hunting

Dove Hunting

Always wanted to do some dove hunting and in years past, I thought I would get to do it but it just didn’t seem to align. Southwest Colorado is not normally known for epic dove hunts but for whatever reason, the bar was set high.  This year, the luck was in my favor as a nice roost of doves happened to fall on some property with the family.  150 doves + seemed to be in this one oak grove....

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Turkey Hunt 2012

Turkey Hunt 2012

This is the first of many posts of hunts throughout my life.  There is no chronological order to any of these and the reason I am doing them is so I can reflect on my hunt, share my story, and go deeper into why I love the sport of hunting. Before last fall, I never really understood why people went turkey hunting.  I mean.  $21 to go out and hunt a wild turkey which can easily dry out, is...

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My Thoughts on Hunting

My Thoughts on Hunting

Hunting is still a relatively new sport to me as I am only on my 8th year doing so.  When I moved to Colorado, fresh out of the Navy, I had tried elk meat for the first time and was instantly hooked.  Relying on friends is only sustainable to get a few pounds of elk per year so something had to change.  The change was me learning to hunt.  My first hunt (bull elk pictured above) was not really...

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